Go and Be Awesome, The POWER is within YOU

I'll go where you want me to go dear Lord. I'll say what you want me to say. I'll be what you want me to be.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Friends and Family of Kevin

I want to make this blog of interest to all who may choose to check in on Kevin's mission activities. His recent email letters to parents contain information of particular interest to certain members of the family. I will edit these letters to give you the highlights of his experiences and cut down read time. He has a 30 minute computer time to read our email and write his own. This creates a little time crunch, so he has to write fast. However, if anyone has special questions or important news you would like us to share with him, we could do that.

Of particular interest to all of you will be the photos he sends. I will post all of them and the stories that go with each. I am new at blogging, so any suggestions would be appreciated.
Kevin's Mom, Sarah

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The Day Kevin's Mission Began

The long awaited call finally arrived. All the family gathered for the opening, with some on their computer through Skype or on the phone for the exciting moment. WOW, Cordoba, Argentine! The same mission as his dad some 40 years ago.