Go and Be Awesome, The POWER is within YOU

I'll go where you want me to go dear Lord. I'll say what you want me to say. I'll be what you want me to be.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

2012 - First Quarter Highlights

Real American Food - Subway!!

Mission Office

Dear Family   

My companion is elder bird :) pajaritos hehe. We get along great. sometimes (hardly ever) we disagree. he is from Utah and well he likes to work a lot. Like me! so we are usally pretty anxious to leave and work at 5 every day. The name of the area i am in is Villa Belgrano. And the cool thing!! THE TEMPLE IS IN MY AREA!!! well.. at least the ginoumous hole thats in the ground :) but its great for doing contacts. Its also fun because there is a older couple that are here incharge of the construction, and well the wife makes food from the states for us every other sunday :) they are from ARIZONA!!! thats why i asked if you knew the Fenn´s because his brother served about the same time as dad :)

This week was good. A little difficult because trying to wrap up the visa things and also getting ready for the transfers. I am super grateful for the letters you have sent. i hope that you have been able to get my letters, and if not, please let me know. I want to respond to all of them :) you are my family and i love you very much. 

We have the same investigators. Well one of them was baptized :) so now one less investigator and one more recent convert to help YAY!

the main people we are working with right now is the Alegre Family César (who was recently baptized)
Ana - his wife who is a little rough Carolina - who has come to church but needs to keep coming and Maxi - who needs to come to church.  We also need to find more new people, or we are going to baptize everyone and have no one left. ;)

I love you!!   Elder Rowse   
 p.s. they have scorpions here too!!! i was soo happy to see one!! no need to worry, i am safe. just thought i would comment my joy to find an insect that also exists here. 

 The JOY of serving a mission!!

Service Project - planting trees at park with ward members.

This week was pretty crazy but we were able to get some good work done. The new elders that were coming came super late. Some came on Tuesday, others Thursday and others Friday. Darn visa problems hahaha. so it complicated the week but luckily i have a companion that has a good desire to work and whenever we found time to leave and work we left! One night we were running in between appointments and my companion stopped to contact a house and it happened to be a family that had listened to missionaries 15 years ago and they even remembered their names. They had recently had a lot of family members pass away and well now we are teaching them. The same thing happened with another guy that we contacted, his friend had died the day before and so we taught him and he actually came to church!! :) A lot of the families that we were working with have told us a lot of things. A different day that we left we passed by the Alegre family (Cesar, Ana, Carolina, Maxi) and the mom stayed for the lesson and they told us pretty much everything that happened. It was a "wow only as a missionary" experience. A grown family talking with 19 and 20 year olds that dont even have families and yet they trusted us and told us. We invited them to pray as a family and they totally changed by the end of the week. So lots of miracles but we still need a lot more. This sunday i realized that miracles are worth a ton more that just 2 meals. Its almost a guarantee and i would fast for more days but i also need strength. :)

What you had mentioned to me about the temple is exactly what i have been feeling when i got here. I should be giving another talk in about 3 weeks (my first talk i wanted to talk about the missionary work because they were alittle behind) but I then want to help the ward realize the great blessing they are going to receive to have a temple so close, and how it will require a little more consagrasion. 

 Things have changed a lot. They missionaries were getting visas for 2 years (just enough) but then they recently changed them to 1 years and well... the last guy organized everything pretty good but now i just need to get it done. :) 

I love you soo much!!

Little Lady, Nancy, likes to dine with the Elders.
Nancy is this sweet old lady that lives in the apartment above us. she invited us for lunch. 

The families we are teaching are going good. I sometimes feel inadequate to teach these things. These are real people with some major real problems. I know the gospel can change lives; i just pray and hope the spirit can help me know what to say. That is the help i ask for. In specific, how i can help an investigator Paola Radicci. We found about 4 new families this week, but no one came to church this Sunday (Mom, looks like we were feeling the same thing yesterday) It hurts. I know they will be blessed. I then think, if me, with my little capacity i have to love, ache when they don’t come, How does my Heavenly Father feel, him with an INFINITE love. If he sees you helping his children, think of his INFINITE gratitude he will have. I invite you to think of someone, (it may be someone you home teach or someone). Put your arm around them, and guide them. :) I promise you that if you do that and tell me of your efforts, i will be making extra efforts in my work here. The Lord needs me to be effective. The Lords needs his sheep found. 

I love you all, I love this gospel. There is nothing more beautiful or more marvelous than this gospel. We have a Heavenly Father that loves us and will bless you as you keep your covenants. I love you
Elder Rowse :)

 Home evening with the ward (barrio) and Cesar's son.
Notice picture of new temple on the wall (left side).

The week was alright. Pretty normal actually so that was great! Monday we played with the zone the rest of the weeks we were able to leave every day at 5 and get some good work done. There was a really neat lesson that i really needed. We were walking towards a visit and we decided to knock a door. (we did a really really catholic approach hahaha) we said. HEY! We are going around blessing the houses, would you like a blessing for your house. The lady said sure! So we went in and we started talking. While we were teaching, i am 100% positive it was not me, somehow everything clicked and while we taught and testified the spirit was really strong, and it filled me with a happiness that made everything worth it. I now want to go out teaching because i know it can fill me with this joy. :) Her name is Adreana and i am pretty sure that with some more lessons like that she can get baptized the 12 of may :)

We also had a family home evening with the barrio on Saturday (i will be sending pictures) and it turned out great. The whole Alegre family came!!!! Even ANA!! (Honestly at first i was pretty bummed because there were only 2 member families but then after 20 min they showed up and i was way happy!! Sunday, Ana didn’t come but the two kids did. That was also another fun moment. We were in the supper getto getting a family to go with all their kids (mind i had a talk to give) so we were there until about 9:32 until we realized what time it was (church starts at 9:30) so we told the family we would come back in a little, we ran out of the villa (the van was parked out of the villa and in a safer place, mostly because we didn’t want the family to ask us if they could go in the van because we are not supposed to take people) so we ran out the getto got in the car, got there just in time to take the sacrament and then give my talk while my companion left with a different elder that was not giving a talk. I was a little discouraged because the whole family didn’t want to go to church, so when we arrived at church i was a little down but as soon as i saw Cesar passing the sacrament and then saw his two kids it made me super happy!. The talk went really well. 

I think i forgot to tell you but last week we did a musical number and it turned out really well :) um... lets see i cant remember too much else. and i want to write sherry and Teresa so take care i love you all :)

I hope you know i am working as hard as i can and with as much excitement as i can (it is super draining, but it is definitely worth it) I LOVE YOU ALL!!

The Cordoba Temple - This is the beginning!
Kevin is serving in the area where the temple is being built.  He talks much of 
preparing the people to have a temple in their midst.

Kevin is about the only Elder who knows how to drive stick, so he drives the mission
van when needed and keeps it clean too.