Go and Be Awesome, The POWER is within YOU

I'll go where you want me to go dear Lord. I'll say what you want me to say. I'll be what you want me to be.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Transfer And New Companions

Saying Goodbye to Uritorco

Two Companions! Elder Slaughter and Elder Bird

Pretending Some Excitement


I love you all so much!!! Sounds like all the family visits are going good. I have been making a lot of changes this past couple weeks. That is so exciting for the ward!! Kyle is going to Hong Kong. He is going to have a wonderful experience. Be sure to tell him the mission is great! It is difficult but if he gives it his all he will absolutely love it!!

I am very grateful for the wonderful support that you have all given me, and also for the support of the ward! I know the prayers are helping me. :) Well transfers came and following the pattern i got a new companion and a new area hahaha :) so this should be pretty good. i have two companions, Elder Slaughter who is training me for 2 weeks and Elder Bird who is my actual companion who will be teaching with me. I was pretty sad to leave Uritorco. I had gotten to know a lot of people, and we have baptisms set up for every week in February, but i know that the Lord wants and needs me in my new area, so i will do just that. :) This day has been pretty crazy, with a lot of running around. i had to get up at 5, shower and then call a taxi, and go to my new area. I then had to go with Elder Slaughter to the main bus terminal at 6 where i was there until 12 or 1. We were helping all the elders and sisters travel to their new areas, calling people and making sure that everyone traveled and arrived safely. it was super super super hot, and i had to stay in my suit coat. I was soaked, and tired hahaha :) needless to say i had a smile and was happy the whole time. i then have a lot of work to do, since there are 13 elders and sisters going home and then 30 new elders coming :) but I am excited to work in my new area and meet the investigators.

I have a ton of things i can do to be better. I pray that the Lord can take my weaknesses and make them strong. I have also started to have a new point of view. Every person i talk with can come to Jesus Christ, and i believe 100 percent that they will be baptized. I love the work and i love to be the Lords Servant.

Spiritual message.. There are three types of people in the world, the servant, the worker and the friend. The servant does something only because he has to, because he fears that if he doesn’t do what he is commanded he will be punished. The worker only does something for an increase. All he wants is the blessings and for this cause he is obedient. The friend, does something because he loves the other. With our Heavenly Father, who are we? I hope that we can all become like the friend, to do what he wants because we love him and we know he loves us.

I love you! Elder Rowse

2/5/12 Dear Family,

Wow this week was fantastic!!! there was a ton of miracles!!! so some of the miracles were the following. First I survived the crazy week of transfers, then the couple of nights that i had time to go work we did a lot of work, asking references from everyone!! Until some people just started to feel our spirit of asking for references that they would just come up to us and give us references :) it was really neat. We also found a family that was waiting for a change. How we found them was a reference of a reference and doing a little of service and that is how we found them. It was awesome!!! :) Sunday morning was a little rough, we went looking for some investigators and they all fell through. None of them could go or wanted to go, we got to church pretty late. We were in a different sacrament meeting and a guy came in that no one knew, so after church my companion and i went up and started talking to him and he told us that he had read the Book of Mormon and prayed about it and had felt that the book was true. So Sunday he left his house looking for a church. He got to one church but no one was there so he went looking for another church building and happened to find us. We talked to him, put a baptismal date and then found out he lives in our area!!! :) yay!!! There has been a ton of miracles :)

There is always a lot of things to do and this has helped me feel lost in the work. My companion is great! I am learning a lot from him and i look forward to continue working with him. So this coming week I need to study a lot about Argentine driving laws and term and the whole new language of car term in Spanish. I have to get my license this week because the only other elder that knows how to drive stick is going this coming week.

:) i love you so very much!!

Teaching Many Families

Don't have names, but enjoy the pictures.


phew this week was interesting. Monday was pretty cool!!! i was in intercambios (interchanges) and i was with someone with less time so a little scary but we did really good. We got to a house and at first the lady didn’t want anything to do with us, but we kept talking and testifying, she let us in. We talked with her and she said that she wanted to stop smoking, so we shared a message and then asked her if she had real intent to stop. She said yes. We then asked for her cigarettes, and she said ok, and gave them to us!!!! There is still a bit more of work but it was way cool to go into a house of a contact and leave with their cigarettes.

So nothing to crazy happened this week we worked our tails off had about 35 lessons and a ton of contacts, but when Sunday came we didn’t have to many "fruits". We had about 10 people that promised they would go Sunday, and 2 came. Seems to be a recurring thing with me and the work, but have to keep the faith, keep working hard. I mentioned in the letter president that we have four people we want to get baptized this month. We have not baptized this month and all 4 of us want to baptize. i know its possible to baptize every week but i still haven’t figured out how the Lord wants me to do it. We are praying and putting a lot of faith in them and in the Lord to bless their lives.

Message for the week. 1 Nephi 19:9 - this verse has helped me this week because, Jesus Christ suffered all things, i can suffer a little heat, a little sun, a little heat from my companion. I am trying to learn about being long-suffering. something that we can all have. a little more patience with everyone :)


So a little miracle that was pretty cool, we were working one day and we got a little misplaced (and i have no clue how, i know this area like the back of my hand) but we were walking and we saw a house and i said to my companion that we should go there, we went and it was a family that had just moved and were less active for more than a year. This Sunday they came!!!

Tuesday night while it was raining really really hard, i was robbed!! woo hoo!! hahaha. I wont share the details, but all is good nothing lost. I took care of everything pretty calmly, he didnt even know i had cell phone, keys, camera, wallet. He only left with my watch, a little sad, but oh well I’m glad I’m safe and good.

I love you!!! have a great week!!

Elder Rowse